“I was born and raised in a no longer vibrant steel town in Western Pennsylvania south of Pittsburgh. My path to the creative arts was circuitous at best having paused in the hard sciences for several decades, first in engineering and then in medicine. I never had formal art training per se. Still, I was fortunate to have met several master carvers while I was crafting my skills as a sculptor. Their instruction was invaluable as was their sensitivity to the beauties of the natural world and the cultural influences on art. They were all experts in indigenous art forms of the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Alaska. I came to appreciate the skill set of these artists through their teachings and by visits to several native villages in Alaska.

That was 20 plus years ago. My interests and motives have since evolved in some ways, and in some ways have remained the same, i.e., inspired by Nature and with a deep respect for all things Ancient. I find myself continuing to ask: how were these talented artisans so good and how did they capture such beauty? In tribute my compositions have on occasion tipped my hat to the cultures of Mesopotamia, Classical Egypt, and the European Middle Ages as well as to Nature and even Science. The inspiration from these sources continues!”