South Central Member Show at UW Health Hospital
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Thank you to these exhibiting artists for sharing their work:
Barbara Barnard | Varla Bishop | Ella Blame | Alice Blue | Krysia Braun | Deb Bushy | Hilary Christensen | Jeanette Clawson | Roberta J Condon | Wendy C Crone | Rachel Durfee | Colette Girard | Jenever Graham | Ann Haberl | Doug E. L. Haynes | Katie Hogan | Jayne Reid Jackson | Annette Knapstein | Michael F Knapstein | Cynthia L Koshalek | Michelle Louis | Valerie Mangion | Mary Jeanne Martin | Anita Matcha | Marie T May | Janet Nelson | Svetlana V Neshlyava | Irene Olson | Peg Orcutt | Merikay Payne | James A Richter | Kristin Silva | Marcia J Smith | Christine Steinmiller | Jeff Stern | Ann Stretton | Hideki Suzuki | Christina Thomas-Virnig | Mary Tilton | Barbara B Vater | Ronnie Walter | David O Williams | Vina W Yang | Rita Yanny | Ray Zovar
Thank you also to the UW Health art team for helping with logistics and hanging the show.
For reference, here is the Prospectus:
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