Yongjing Li

Yongjing Li

Yongjing Li

Biographical Info About the Artist Yongjing Li Yongjing Li was born in China, emigrated to America and worked at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an electron microscopist and facility manager until her retirement. However, at a very early age she had started painting and to this day, that remains her first love. She has studied under several famous Chinese and foreign artists in both Chinese traditional and Western painting styles. She explored and practiced ceaselessly and has finally developed a new style of her own. On the basis of carrying forward the good characteristics of both, she has created a group of paintings combining Chinese characteristics and modern aesthetic values. On numerous occasions, her works have been shown at painting exhibitions and competitions in Madison, around Wisconsin and in various world venues. She has won many prizes and has drawn the attention and appreciation of Chinese and foreign professional personages. Her paintings have been collected by the University of Wisconsin and scores of art-lovers. Together with other artwork from around the state, her heavy-color Chinese painting “Gate of Culture” was chosen by the Wisconsin State Tourism Department to be included on the DVD disc, entitled “Art So Good in Wisconsin”. This disc was distributed worldwide to invite travelers to visit Wisconsin and enjoy art works throughout the state. Ms. Li’s painting was the only Chinese painting chosen. After seeing Ms. Li’s paintings over the internet, the Art Working Committee of the United Nations expressed their appreciation and praise, and extended an invitation to exhibit her art works at the next biennial Exhibition in Florence, Italy. Ms. Li has won Wisconsin State Exhibition Awards 12 times and in 2004 a Certificate of Merit award for her art work “Passion”.. Also that year she won the “James A. Schwalbach Creativity Award” for her painting titled “The Healing Power”. Ms. Li’s new art work “Memory Catchers” won an award at the Madison Art Guild show in June 2017. Since 2000 she has had yearly solo and group art shows throughout Wisconsin. Many local galleries have also featured her works. Private collectors, professional organizations, like the University of Wisconsin-Madison, local hospitals and companies have all collected Ms. Li’s artworks. She is member of the following art organizations: 1. Wisconsin Visual Artists (Wisconsin Painters and Sculptors association) (Since 2005) 2.Madison Art Guild (Since 2007) 3.Madison Chinese Fine Art Association (Since 1999) 4.Wisconsin Artful Women (Since 1999) 5.Wisconsin Regional Arts Association (Since 2000) Ms. Li’s art works can be visited at her website: http://www.yongjingli.com

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