Nina Avis

Nina Avis

Nina Avis

Biographical Info Nina Avis was born in Seoul, South Korea and moved to the states as an infant. She has since devoted her life to travel and art making. With a bachelor’s in fine arts from the University of North Florida and an anticipated master’s in Arts in Medicine at the University of Florida, Nina’s artistic experience is as diverse as her cultural background. These practice centers primarily on oil and acrylic painting, where she masterfully weaves color and emotion to bring her works to life. Her pieces often illustrate the intricate tapestry of her lived experiences as a second-generation immigrant of mixed descent. This unique perspective has profoundly shaped her artistic practice. Her work is a fusion of her Korean heritage and American upbringing, offering viewers a window into her journey of identity, belonging, and the interplay of cultural influences. Moreover, Nina’s artistic journey does not end with her personal narrative. She is deeply committed to exploring the transformative potential of art on well-being. Her ongoing study of arts in heath strengthen her belief in art’s capacity to foster connection, meaning making, and resilience. Working with “Art with a Heart” at Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida and “Children’s Healing Art Project” in Portland, Oregon, Nina has witnessed firsthand the power of art in enhancing the lives of those who experience it.

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