Marilyn Prescott

Marilyn Prescott

Marilyn Prescott

Biographical Info Marilyn Prescott lived and worked in California for most of her life. She has a BA from California State University at Long Beach and graduate work at California State University at Fullerton and the University of California at Irvine (magna cum laude). Since then she has had 13 solo exhibitions and has exhibited extensively in a series of group shows. Her work is in significant corporate, private, and public collections and she has had reviews in major news sources, including the Los Angeles Times, The Orange County Register, and the Fresno Bee. She moved to Wisconsin early in 2023 and has come to know the landscape intimately through her extensive exploration along the Fox River, soaking up its dense tangle of woods, its ripple patterns on a dynamic river, and its dramatic weather fronts. Like Gerhard Richter and JMW Turner, two artists she admires, her paintings balance on the knife edge between abstraction and representation. She uses various painting tools to animate each area of the composition, and the practice of working in series allows her to extend the image beyond its edges—a reminder that we are seeing just a piece of the much larger whole.

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