Jane Hostetler

Jane Hostetler

Jane Hostetler

Biographical Info My professional history is rooted in design. Beginning with a BFA in Design, I spent the first part of my career in Graphic Design. Later, I chose to teach while developing my studio work, which led to my decision to earn a Master of Arts Degree in Visual Studies. At present, I teach various Graphic Design & Studio Art courses in the Green Bay area. Currently, my studio is based in Green Bay WI, where I strive to produce an ongoing variety of original and commission works. At present my work is shown at Blue Door Artworks in Green Bay WI and Richeson Gallery, Kimberly WI, with previous gallery installations at various galleries through the state. As a visual artist, a compelling visual experience is a key goal, though the thought it engages is equally valuable. The works of Mark Rothko, Sean Scully, Louise Nevelson, and James Turell, to name a few,  have provided underlying influences on both a psychological and visual level. Equally influential is an intense observation of the environment, decomposition and renewal, study of primitive and ancient art & architecture, and a long standing immersion in the world of contemporary design and typography.  While working in either oil/cold wax or acrylic/fresco as a medium, these influences are a continual thread in producing an ongoing collection of abstract works. Works that draws the viewer in and allows for personal interaction.

Level Northeast Wisconsin Chapter

Membership Type Professional


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