Cyndie Meinholz-Rauls

Cyndie Meinholz-Rauls

Cyndie Meinholz-Rauls

Biographical Info In the wooded topography of the Driftless region, I look to the voids left in the wake of the emerald ash borer. I collect etched and lifeless pieces of ash trees; remnants that are as visually striking as their devastation is emotionally resonant. Once gathered, I reconstruct the spirit of the ash tree while integrating sister woods of mahogany, walnut, cherry, oak and hickory. My process is intuitive, allowing the wood to guide me in physically documenting the tree’s story. What materializes is an abstract meditation on the beauty and power of wood. Each sculpture is meant to draw attention to the tree’s journey in an attempt to preserve a fragment of its existence before it is lost forever.

Level South Central Wisconsin Chapter

Membership Type Professional


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