Meeting Day: Our usual meeting time is the third Tuesday of each month, but this may vary depending on activities and opportunities.
Locations of meetings: We meet in person and online in the winter months. We meet at various locations: artist studios, museums, workshops, galleries, etc. As our membership covers the South and Western regions of Wisconsin and we attempt to vary the location and times to allow for members outside of Madison to attend.
Exhibitions: Besides the state-wide exhibitions, our chapter holds at least 2 exhibitions a year for South Central members. We hold our annual Fall Members Exhibition at UW Hospitals in Madison and the second varies in location and timing. We also hold online exhibitions posted on our website.
A little about us: We cover a broad portion of Wisconsin, from the Madison area, east to Watertown, south to Beloit, west to the Mississippi River and as far north as Eau Claire. There are no strict boundaries. We attempt to conduct our monthly program with a spotlight on local events, galleries and venues while we showcase our own members and cater to their interests. Our chapter members receive emails twice each month with Program news and updates.
Upcoming Meetings:
December 17, 6:30pm Holiday Party, Goodman Community Center
January 21, 2025, Zoom meeting – critique/show and tell – 6:30 pm
February 18, 2025, Zoom meeting – Keeping a Sketchbook with Ronnie Walter
Chair: Mary Tilton -mailto: [email protected]
Vice Chair: Jayne Reid Jackson
Secretary: Mary Jeanne Martin
Treasurer: Cary Hunkel
Membership Chair: Kathleen Walter -mailto: [email protected]
Program Chair: vacant
Exhibition Committee: Patricia Keller, Kathryn Lederhause, Peg Orcutt