The 2022 Legacy Award ceremony was held at our Annual Meeting at MOWA in West Bend on June 18 on a beautiful sunny day. Here is recipient Doug Haynes receiving the award from WVA Treasurer and Lifetime Member Tori Tasch:

The recipients of the 2022 WVA Legacy Awards are:
Northeast Chapter
Steve Ballard (2022) has been an active Northeast Chapter cheerleader, constitution watchdog and member of WVA since before the NE Chapter began in 1990. He took part in most all the in-person chapter meetings (hosting many) and could be counted on to attend WVA member artist solo and group exhibits. For many years, in 90’s and 2000’s, he was active seeking donors for the WVA newsletter/magazine and the Biennial Awards. He took on the task of dropping off the printed WVA magazines and printed Biennial prospectus’s at Northeast WI galleries, art supply stores, and museums in at least 10 of the 26+ northeast counties. We thank Steve for his avid support of WVA over the last 30 years.
Southeast Chapter
Gary John Gresl (2022) is seen by many involved in the WVA SE Chapter and State Board as the chief facilitator and organizer of many important WVA initiatives, including the 2004 formation of WVAAA (Wisconsin Visual Artist Lifetime Achievement Awards ‑ Lifetime in the title dropped in 2016) and the invaluable assistance in beginning the ever-growing WVA Endowment with the Greater Milwaukee Foundation in 2002. Gary was the primary organizer in the development of the three chapters in 1990 and the formation of the current WVA State Board structure. He was WVA State Board President from 2000-2004 and he continues to be the go-to person for the history and constitution of WVA. We thank Gary for his ongoing belief in WVA as an important artist run group and his work to lead the task of making WVA grow and be what it is today.
South Central Chapter
Doug Haynes (2022) was the magazine editor and designer, and WVA webmaster 1990 through 2016, when the State Board switched to a different web platform. While he was a paid WVA contractor, the work he put in for over 25 years was above and beyond what he was paid. He was always ready to teach and help artists, Chapter Chairs and State Presidents with navigating the new digital world and he designed many of the early WVA member artists personal websites, helping them begin their steps into the virtual world. During this time, Doug also managed the WVA Statewide address list and WVA Magazine Bulk Mailing list. We thank Doug for his many years of service giving a visual presence to WVA.